Installation view
Installation view
Infinito Presente (Essere), 2016, wall paint and fluorescent paint on wall, black light, dimensions variables
Infinito Presente (Essere), 2016, wall paint and fluorescent paint on wall, black light, dimensions variables
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Io fui, 2016, ground and acrylic inks on cotton canvas, 30cm x 40cm
Tu fosti, 2016, ground and acrylic inks on cotton canvas, 30cm x 40cm
Lui fu, 2016, ground and acrylic inks on cotton canvas, 30cm x 40cm
Lei fu, 2016, ground and acrylic inks on cotton canvas, 30cm x 40cm
Noi fummo, 2016, ground and acrylic inks on cotton canvas, 30cm x 40cm
Voi foste, 2016, ground and acrylic inks on cotton canvas, 30cm x 40cm
Loro furono, 2016, ground and acrylic inks on cotton canvas, 30cm x 40cm