DITU – Giovanni Sortino

01Installation view

02Installation view

03Infinito Presente (Essere), 2016, wall paint and fluorescent paint on wall, black light, dimensions variables

04Infinito Presente (Essere), 2016, wall paint and fluorescent paint on wall, black light, dimensions variables

05Installation view

06Installation view

07Installation view

08Installation view

09Io fui, 2016, ground and acrylic inks on cotton canvas, 30cm x 40cm

10Tu fosti, 2016, ground and acrylic inks on cotton canvas, 30cm x 40cm

11Lui fu, 2016, ground and acrylic inks on cotton canvas, 30cm x 40cm

12Lei fu, 2016, ground and acrylic inks on cotton canvas, 30cm x 40cm

13Noi fummo, 2016, ground and acrylic inks on cotton canvas, 30cm x 40cm

14Voi foste, 2016, ground and acrylic inks on cotton canvas, 30cm x 40cm

15Loro furono, 2016, ground and acrylic inks on cotton canvas, 30cm x 40cm



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